
【#1】 インターネット上のゴーストにアクセス。



最近、友人からイタリアのファッションブランド「World Wide Web」に関する情報をまとめたTumblrページのリンクが送られてきました。このページは、ブランドのクリエイターであったLorenzino Piazzi自身によってキュレーションされているようです。「World Wide Web」は、「Stone Island」の親会社「Sportswear Company」による短期間のプロジェクトでした。Stone IslandのオリジナルデザイナーであるMassimo Ostiが90年代半ばに会社を離れたあと、彼のデザインチームのメンバーであるLorenzino Piazziは「World Wide Web」を立ち上げ、Stone IslandのデザインはPaul Harvey(「World Wide Web」同様先見的でありながら今ではほとんど忘れられている「Sabotage」というブランドの元デザイナー)が引き継ぎました。「World Wide Web」はたった3シーズンしか存在せず、私が知る限り商業的には成功しませんでした。

私は何年にもわたり「World Wide Web」を何度も見て(ウェブサイト(URLがすこし馬鹿みたいですが)www.worldwidewebspw.itはInternet Archive Wayback Machineにアーカイブされています)、そしていくつかのアイテムを実際に手にしました。私は常にこのブランドのクレイジーなほど非商業的でありながら非前衛的な精神に惹かれていました。





都市が物理的に存在し続けるという退屈な日々の要件とは別に、これらの空間のイメージは魔法のような性質を帯びています。それらが物理的に存在しなくなった今、それらが実在していたとは信じがたいです。「 どの様な社会がこれを生み出したのでしょうか?」私たちが毎日目にしているものではないと確かに感じました。



A friend recently sent me a link for a tumblr page that attempts to compile information about the Italian fashion brand World Wide Web. It seems that the page is curated by the creator of the brand Lorenzino Piazzi himself. World Wide Web was a short-lived project produced by Sportswear Company – the owners of Stone Island. After Stone Island’s original designer Massimo Osti left the company in the mid 90’s a member of his design team Piazzi stayed on to work on World Wide Web whilst design of Stone Island was taken over by Paul Harvey (who had designed Sabotage – another visionary and now largely forgotten brand).World Wide Web existed for just 3 seasons and, so far as I know, was not commercially successful. 

I’ve looked at World Wide Web a few times over the years (the website, hilariously –, is archived on the internet archive wayback machine) and I’ve seen a few of the pieces in the flesh. I was always attracted to the crazily non-commercial and yet non avant-garde ethos of the brand. Now, though, being reminded of this weird experiment that had been buried under the sediment of 20 years of subsequent fashions produced some strange resonances. Looking again at the ghost of an experimental fusion of technically adventurous design and the then novel idea of online sales (about 3 years before existed) is strange at a moment when buying clothes online seems more mundane than shopping in the fantastical spaces of physical retail. 

Physical spaces are just as vulnerable to being sucked into the ghost world as defunct brands. And that process has, of course, been accelerated by the corona crisis. 

Since the start of C.E and maybe before, my colleagues and I have found images of long demolished interiors of shops, bars, clubs, apartments to be some of the most useful fuel for imagining alternative environments for social interactions that are yet to happen. Separated from the boring day to day requirements of continued physical existence in the city the images of these spaces take on magical qualities. Now that they no longer physically exist – it’s hard to believe that they ever could have existed. “What society could have produced this?” – certainly not the one we see around us every day, we felt.

I have watched the transition happening once, when Bordeaux in Ginza closed. I’d never even realized it was there until it was about to go. So, I queued up outside the day before it finally shut and that was the one time I went there. It was hard to believe its reality even while standing at the bar drinking a cocktail – a strangely fantastic place. Now that it’s just a ghost on the internet its effect on me is all the more powerful. The yearning for these lost places and forgotten modes of society is not, strictly, nostalgia anymore – we not accessing our own memories (accurate or not), just the ever-present images. The new associations that we make when confronted with these ghosts a bridge to bringing some new physical manifestation into the world.



〈C.E〉ディレクター。英国生まれ。96年より Mo’Wax RecordsにてA&Rを担当。03年より NIGO®の相談役としてA Bathing Ape®やBillionaire Boys Club/Ice Creamに携わる。05年に英国事務弁護士の資格を取得後、東京へ移住。11年、Skate Thing、Y.Hishiともに〈C.E〉を立ち上げる。