TOWN TALK / 1か月限定の週1寄稿コラム

【#3】Soft Pine Soft Pets

Writing:Soft Pine


Soft Pine

text: Soft Pine
cooperation: dom
edit: Miu Nakamura

Hello, Today I’m your host Viking, the guitarist of Soft Pine.

Do you ever think about what your other half might be? For me, they are my three cats at home. Nami, Nube and Maw. They’re funny but serious, enthusiastic but sleepy, peaceful but always complaining. They each have their own quirks—Nami loves rolling around on the ground to get attention. Nube loves to knock the food off the table to eat privately, while Maw, my mom’s favorite boy, can’t seem to remember the way back home. My family and I had to go looking for him many nights. Despite their antics, they make me calm, bring me joy, and fill my heart with love. My stress from work vanishes the moment I arrive home. But sometimes, they can be a bit harsh too—like when they scratch my feet or bite my face.

I used to have cats named Pui, Fong and Michaela. They were my great companions. I remember one night when I was feeling down, Pui just sat with me, and rolled around doing nothing. And just that I feel better right away.

Speaking of cats, I recently came across Aoshima Island, also known as Cat Island, on the internet. The moment I saw it, I thought, ‘This place is like heaven to me!’ An entire island filled with cats—who wouldn’t love that? Just imagining myself surrounded by all those furry little friends, lounging in the sun, sounds like a pure joy. Maybe one day, I’ll take a trip there and find some new little friends to inspire the next song!

X (Singer/Guitarist) wrote a song about his dog called ‘MSE (My Sweet Egg).’ ‘Sweet Egg’ in Thai is pronounced ‘Kai Whan,’ which is his dog’s name. Just like the song, Kai Whan is full of energy, bouncing around the house like a little ball of joy. X says that whenever he feels stuck creatively, he just watches Kai Whan play and suddenly, ideas start to flow. It’s like his dog’s energy is contagious, spreading into the music we create.

Akara (Drummer) is practically a zookeeper! He has 4 cats, 5 chickens, 3 ducks and 3 dogs—including one really huge dog named Baron—and so many more animals that it feels like visiting a petting zoo every time we go to his house. Baron, with his larger-than-life personality, often inspires Boom to create the big, bold beats in our tracks. Seeing all his pets interact, each with their own rhythm and pace, is such a joy to watch.

Amp (Bassist) has a dog too, and I think she even has a tattoo of her dog as a tribute. She often talks about how her dog’s unconditional love taught her to be more open and vulnerable in her music, allowing her to tap into emotions she didn’t even know she had.

But the most interesting person is Peadit, our sound engineer. He has more than 90 snakes, lots of lizards, lots of frogs, and a whole bunch of other reptiles. His house is like an Amazon Jungle! Peadit once told me that he finds a unique rhythm in the way his reptiles move—a kind of slow, influence on his style of mixing.

(Warning : Beware of Reptile photos!)

The thing is the time we spend with our precious four-legged friends (or two-legged, or even legless like snakes) is incredibly special. They bring us joy, teach us patience, and even remind us that life’s ups and downs are all part of the journey. These little companions teach us about the kind of happiness that’s pure and simple, and that’s exactly what we try to capture in our music. We wanted to create an album that feels like the happiness you get when you’re around your pets—playful, energetic, and full of life.

To all the readers of Popeye magazine, I encourage you to reconnect with what brings you joy—whether it’s your pets, friends, or a good piece of music. Our pets may be small, but their impact on our lives is huge. They remind us to be playful, to take life less seriously, and to appreciate the little things.

So enjoy your day with your pets, your friends, or whoever you consider your other half. Let’s keep reconnecting—with each other and with the things that bring us joy. Be safe, and see you in the next column!


【#3】Soft Pine Soft Pets

Soft Pine

Four-piece indie rock band from Bangkok, Thailand, formed in 2018. Their latest album, Another Half, was released in Japan in July 2024. They also performed in Japan in October.

