
【#1】 私の好きなクライミングスポット/ Bishop, California


photo: Stephen Salvador
text: Ashima Shiraishi




 目のまえには砂漠、遠くには雪を被った山を望めながら、「Happies and Sads」にある火山性凝灰岩の洞窟で思いっきりクライミングを楽しんだり、「Buttermilks」にある50フィートの花崗岩のハイボールテストピースに思い切ってトライしてみるのもアリ。他にも、「Heavenly Path V1」、「Iron Man Traverse V4」、「Jedi Mind Tricks V4」、「Evilution V11」、「Lucid Dreaming V16」などの名作揃い。飲食店もあって、「Schatt’s Bakery」では美味しい焼き菓子が食べられるし、「Looney Bean」はクライミング前のコーヒータイムにもってこい!一日中クライミングをして、体がぐったり、指もジンジンしてきたら、温泉に入って疲れを癒すのもいいね。「June Lake」という青く澄んだ湖がわずか45分のところにあるから、休息日には是非その湖に足を運んでみて。


I will never forget the sense of awe instilled in me when I first laid eyes on the beautiful boulders in Bishop.

This world-class climbing area, located in the Sierra Nevada’s attracts crowds on a global level due to its high concentration of five-star climbs at varying levels of difficulty and its grandeur natural beauty. If you are a city person like myself, Bishop is a four-hour drive from Los Angeles, making it a perfect weekend outing spot to get a breath of fresh air. The stark contrast of tall boulders rising amidst the barren desert accentuates the beauty of the natural rock formations -almost like a sculpture park- and, in this case, an impressive backdrop of the sprawling mountains of the Sierra Nevada’s.

Surrounded by desertland and snow-capped peaks in the distance, enjoy climbing your heart out on volcanic tuff caves -located in the Happies and Sads- or test out the 50-foot granite highball test pieces in the Buttermilks. Some classics include Heavenly Path V1, Iron Man Traverse V4, Jedi Mind Tricks V4, Evilution V11, and Lucid Dreaming V16. Despite its small size, the town of Bishop is quite an endearing spectacle as well; Schatt’s Bakery has a great selection of baked goods, and Looney Bean is the perfect pre-climbing day coffee stop. Once your body is wrecked, and your fingers are sore from a full day of climbing, drive up to the hot springs for a nice recovery plunge. On rest days, June Lake is a pristine blue water tarn that is only 45 minutes away from the boulders.

As far as memorable climbing trips go, this place holds so many cherished memories from, and I hope that this stays true for all else who visits.




2001年生まれ。アメリカ・NY在住の女子クライミング選手。史上最年少の14歳という若さで、難易度の高いグレードV15のクライミングを女性で初めて完登。国際スポーツクライミング連盟の世界ユース選手権では3連覇を誇るなど、数々の記録を更新中。子どもに向けた執筆活動もしており、著書に『HOW TO SOLVE A PROBLEM』がある。instagramはこちら!